What Are Sleep Disorders?
Sleep disorders involve problems with the quality, timing, and amount of sleep that may impact and cause daytime distress and an impairment in functioning. About 70 million people in the United States suffer from sleep disorders, which oftentimes occurs due to a range of health-related conditions.
Causes, Types & Symptoms
Sleep Disorders can be caused by many conditions, diseases, and disorders that can cause sleep disturbances. In many cases, sleep disorders develop as a result of an underlying health problem. The causes of sleep disorders can include a combination of the following:
Working the night shift
Some of the most common sleep disorders are:
Sleep apnea
Periodic Limb Movement
Restless Leg Syndrome
The symptoms for sleep disorders may differ depending on the severity and type. They may also vary when sleep disorders are a result of another condition.
difficulty falling or staying asleep
daytime fatigue
strong urge to take naps during the day
unusual breathing patterns
unusual or unpleasant urges to move while falling asleep
unusual movement or other experiences while asleep
unintentional changes to your sleep/wake schedule
irritability or anxiety
impaired performance at work or school
lack of concentration
weight gain

50 To 70 Million Americans Have A Sleep Disorder

Get The Facts on Sleep Disorders
According to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health:
50 - 70 million US adults have a sleep disorder
48.0% report snoring
25 Million U.S. adults have obstructive sleep apnea
40% of adults report unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once a month
9-21% of women and 24 - 31% of men have obstructive sleep apnea
Sleep Disorder Risk Factors
Sleep disorders takes an emotional, physical, and mental toll, impacting every part of the human body. So, the importance of getting a good night's sleep is a pivotal component of maintaining your overall health. Below are some examples of how sleep disorders can contribute to health complications.
Daytime fatigue
High blood pressure or heart problems
Increased risk of hypertension
Increase your risk of recurrent heart attack and stroke
Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes
Metabolic syndrome
Complications with medications and surgery
Liver problems
Sleep-deprived partners