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Protecting Our Patients Against COVID-19

The Howard University Hospital Sleep Disorders Center has taken a multitude of steps to reassure our community that we are operating in a safe and trusted environment for our patients to receive their care. At all times, your health, safety and well-being are our number one focus. The care we provide to you is essential and we want to serve as a calming presence in these trying times.


Learn How We Are Keeping You Safe During COVID-19

Here are a few key safety measures we've put in place to help minimize the potential spread of the coronavirus. HUH is in the process of providing all staff with the COVID-19 vaccine on a voluntary basis.

1. Two visitors at a time are permitted inside of the facility for general visitation with the following exceptions:

  • Labor & Delivery Patients

  • Critical Care

  • Parents & Guardians with Minor Children

  • Persons with Disabilities

  • Compassionate Care & End of Life Occurrences.

2. All visitors must check-in at the Main Entrance (Georgia Ave) visitor’s desk or the Tower’s Entrance (Fifth Street) visitor’s desk.

3. All visitors must undergo a temperature check and answer screening questions prior to entering inpatient and outpatient areas as well as treatment areas
within the Emergency Department.

4. All patients are given a COVID-19 test prior to admission to the hospital.

5. All visitors are required to wear a mask or facial covering during their hospital visit at all times.

6. Visitation is not permitted for patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

7. All visitors and staff are required to practice social distancing at all times inside of the facility.

8. All visitors and staff are required to sanitize their hands upon entering the facility.

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HUH Sleep Disorders Center

Sleep Disorders Center

2041 Georgia Avenue, NW, 5th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20060


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